DCM4CHEE with Docker
Install Docker (https://www.docker.com/)
Follow the DCM4CHEE Guidelines for Running on Docker.
The easiest path is to use Docker-Compose which will start and stop multiple containers for you. There are excellent instructions provided by the DCM4CHEE team on the 'light archive' repository:
- Create docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.env files
- Start the containers:
docker-compose start
Note: If you are running this on Mac OSX you will probably need to change the default docker-compose.yml file slightly. Specifically, the paths that refer to /var/local/ will likely need to be changed to /opt/
Run the OHIF Viewer or Lesion Tracker using the dcm4cheeDIMSE.json configuration file
cd OHIFViewer
PACKAGE_DIRS="../Packages" meteor --settings ../config/dcm4cheeDIMSE.json
Web Service URLs from DCM4CHEE:
Original source here: https://github.com/dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light/wiki/Running-on-Docker#web-service-urls
Archive UI: http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui - if secured, login with
Username Password Role user
Keycloak Administration Console: http://localhost:8080/auth, login with Username:
, Password:admin
.Wildfly Administration Console: http://localhost:9990, login with Username:
, Password:admin
.Kibana UI: http://localhost:5601
DICOM QIDO-RS Base URL: http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs
DICOM STOW-RS Base URL: http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs
DICOM WADO-RS Base URL: http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs
DICOM WADO-URI: http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/wado