Throughout the development of the OHIF Viewer, we have participated in various conferences and "hackathons". In this page, we will provide the presentations and other resources that we have provided to the community in the past:
SIIM 2023 Tech Tools Webinar | April 12th, 2023
Free, Open Source Tools for Research: MONAI and OHIF Viewer [Slides][Video]
[NA-MIC Project Week 38th 2023 - Remote]
We participated in the 38th Project Week with three projects around OHIF. [Website]
- PolySeg representations for OHIF Viewer (link)
- Cross study sychronizer for OHIF Crosshair (link)
- DATSCAN Viewer implementation in OHIF (link)
OHIF Demo to Interns
SIIM 2022 - Updates from the Imaging Informatics Community
We participated in the SIIM 2022 conference to give update for the imaging informatics community. [Slides] [Video]
The Imaging Network Ontario - Remote
The Imaging Network Ontario (ImNO) is an annual symposium that brings together medical imaging researchers and scientists from across Canada to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences. [Slides] [Video]
NA-MIC Project Week 36th 2022 - Remote
The Project Week is a week-long hackathon of hands-on activity in which medical image computing researchers. OHIF team participated and gave a talk on OHIF and Cornerstone in the 36th Project Week: [Slides] [Video]
NA-MIC Project Week 35th 2021 - Remote
The Project Week is a week-long hackathon of hands-on activity in which medical image computing researchers. OHIF team participated in the 35th Project Week in 2021. [Slides]
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI)
Project presentations and demonstrations of Essential Open Source Software for Science (EOSS) grantees [Slides] [Video]
Google Cloud Tech
Healthcare Imaging with Cloud Healthcare API [Video]
OHIF pitch for Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) [Slides] [Video]
OHIF and VTK.js Training Course
OHIF and Kitware collaboration to create a training course for OHIF and VTK.js developers. Funding for this work was provided by Kitware (NIH NINDS R44NS081792, NIH NINDS R42NS086295, NIH NIBIB and NIGMS R01EB021396, NIH NIBIB R01EB014955), Isomics (NIH P41 EB015902), and Massachusetts General Hospital (NIH U24 CA199460).
- Introduction to VTK.js and OHIF [Slides][Video]
- Developing with VTK.js [Slides][Video]
- VTK.js Architecture and Tooling [Slides][Video]
- OHIF + VTK.js Integration [Slides][Video]
Lesion Tracker
LesionTracker: Extensible Open-Source Zero-Footprint Web Viewer for Cancer Imaging Research and Clinical Trials. This project was supported in part by grant U24 CA199460 from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Program. [Video]
OHIF Community Meeting - June
Imaging Community Call
Open Source Oncology Web Viewer; Presentation by Gordon J. Harris [Slides]