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Version: 1.0-deprecated

Building for Production

This tutorial considers the current folder as OHIFViewer/.


First, you need to have installed:

MongoDB is actually not required if you have a remote MongoDB. If your database is local then you need to have it running.

Check your packages

Inside of the viewer folder make sure NPM packages are updated for production:

npm install --production


There are two ways of building OHIF Viewer for a specific DICOM server: Automatically or Manually.

For both, we use the meteor build (check it's docs) app and Orthanc Dicom Web Server.

For meteor build it's necessary to inform an output folder myOutputFolder. Remember to change myOutputFolder to your folder location.

OHIF Viewer will be built using Orthanc DICOM Web server configuration file ../config/orthancDICOMWeb.json to set METEOR_SETTINGS environment var.

To run with another server, just point to the corresponding .json located in config folder or create your own.

Build automatically

After this step, go directly to Prepare to run production build.

Non-windows users
METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="../Packages" METEOR_SETTINGS=$(cat ../config/orthancDICOMWeb.json) meteor build --directory myOutputFolder
Windows users

Since there is no cat command in Windows cmd, use Windows PowerShell (at least version 3.0) instead.

In PowerShell, open a new shell as an admin:

Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs


Remember to change OHIFViewerFolderLocation to OHIFViewer's folder location.

cd OHIFViewerFolderLocation
$settings = Get-Content ..\config\orthancDICOMWeb.json -Raw
$settings = $settings -replace "`n","" -replace "`r","" -replace " ",""
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("METEOR_SETTINGS", $settings, "Machine")
meteor build --directory myOutputFolder

Build manually

OHIF Viewer will be built normally, but with no DICOM Server information, which needs to be added when running the build. This is described in Manually adding DICOM Server to the Viewer.

Non-windows users
METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="../Packages" meteor build --directory myOutputFolder
Windows users in cmd
meteor build --directory myOutputFolder

Prepare to run production build

If everything went ok, meteor build created a bundle folder inside myOutputFolder.

Remember to change myOutputFolder to your folder location.

Go to that folder:

cd myOutputFolder/bundle

Now install the NPM dependencies:

cd programs/server
npm install

To run production build

Go back to the bundle folder:

cd ../..

or (Remember to change myOutputFolder to your folder location.):

cd myOutputFolder/bundle

3 environment variables are set before running Node.js:

  • MONGO_URL: is the url to MongoDB. If it's local, you need to have it running
  • ROOT_URL: the hostname where you can access your Viewer in the browser
  • PORT: the port the Viewer will run

This way, the Viewer can be accessed in http://localhost:3000, with MongoDB running locally using 27017 port (it's default).

Non-windows users
MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/myapp ROOT_URL=http://localhost PORT=3000 node main.js
Windows users in cmd
SET MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/myapp
SET ROOT_URL=http://localhost
node main.js

Manually adding DICOM Server to the Viewer

If DICOM Server was configured automatically during the building process, skip this step.

Access the viewer http://localhost:3000 and toggle the Options menu, located at top right corner. Select Server Information option.

In Server Information dialog click on Add a new server button and fill the fields accordingly to the DICOM Server to be added.

In case of doubts about any field in this dialog, use config/orthancDICOMWeb.json as reference.

After filling the form, click on the Save button and the new server will be listed. Make sure to activate it by clicking on the left most button (a checkbox button) in the Actions column.

Refresh the page and Viewer will be connected to the DICOM Server.