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Version: 1.0-deprecated


How do I file a bug?

We accept and triage bug reports through Github primarily.

  1. Create a Github account
  2. Search the current Issue List to ensure you are not creating a duplicate issue.

If your issue already exists, post a comment to show us that this issue also affects you.

  1. If no prior issue exists, Create a New Issue on the repository.

Some tips for filing a new issue:

  • Make sure your issue is reproducible: If we try to reproduce your issue given your provided steps and we cannot reproduce it, we will not be able to fix it. Nobody wants to spend time guessing how to reproduce your issue! Before filing, please reproduce your issue more than once and clearly describe the steps taken.
  • If you are reporting a user interface issue, provide screenshots: A picture is worth a thousand words. If your issue concerns the UI, screenshots will help us identify the issue dramatically faster since it can be extremely challenging to describe UI bugs with text. You should still clearly describe the steps that you took to produce the issue.
  • Include platform & environment: Your operating system, web browser, and web browser version are highly relevant for many bugs. Please provide these with all bug reports.
  • Include expected and actual result: Tell us what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. If you don't do this, we might not consider it a bug.

How can I request a new feature?

At the moment we are in the process of defining our roadmap and will do our best to communicate this to the community. If your requested feature is on the roadmap, then it will most likely be built at some point. If it is not, you are welcome to build it yourself and contribute it. If you have resources and would like to fund the development of a feature, please contact us.

Who should I contact about Academic Collaborations?

Gordon J. Harris at Massachusetts General Hospital is the primary contact for any academic collaborators. We are always happy to hear about new groups interested in using the OHIF framework, and may be able to provide development support if the proposed collaboration has an impact on cancer research.

Do you offer commercial support?

The Open Health Imaging Foundation does not offer commercial support, however, some community members do offer consulting services. You can search our Community Forum for more information.

I emailed my question to you directly and you did not respond. Why not?

Emailing developers directly is not a shortcut to faster support. Please file your issues and questions on Github so that everyone can benefit from the discussion and solutions.

Do your Viewers have 510(k) Clearance from the U.S. F.D.A or CE Marking from the European Commission?

NO. The OHIF Viewer, Lesion Tracker, and Standalone Viewer, NOT F.D.A. cleared or CE Marked. It is the users responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations. The License for the OHIF Framework does not prevent your company or group from seeking F.D.A. clearance for a product built using the framework.

If you have gone this route (or are going there), please let us know because we would be interested to hear about your experience.

Are your Viewers HIPAA Compliant?

NO. The OHIF Viewer, Lesion Tracker, and Standalone Viewer DO NOT fulfill all of the criteria to become HIPAA Compliant. It is the users responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations.

The Lesion Tracker application demonstrates some available components and features (e.g. Audit Trail, automatic logoff, and unique user identification for User Accounts) which could be used by third parties seeking HIPAA compliance.