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Version: 1.0-deprecated


Getting the Code

Either clone the repository using Git:

git clone

or Download the latest Master as a ZIP File.

Set up a DICOM server

  1. Choose and install an Image Archive
  2. Upload some data into your archive (e.g. with DCMTK's storescu or your archive's web interface)
  3. Keep the server running

Open Source DICOM Image Archive Options

DCM4CHEE Archive 5.xInstallation with Docker
OrthancInstallation with Docker
DICOMcloud (DICOM Web only)Installation
OsiriX (Mac OSX only)Text
Horos (Mac OSX only)Text

Feel free to make a Pull Request if you want to add to this list.

Set up and test the OHIF Viewer (or LesionTracker) application:

  1. Install Meteor

  2. Open a new terminal tab in one of the Application directories (OHIFViewer or LesionTracker)

  3. Instruct Meteor to install all dependent NPM Packages

    METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="../Packages" meteor npm install
  4. Run Meteor using one of the available configuration files.

    METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="../Packages" meteor --settings ../config/orthancDICOMWeb.json

    Note: On Windows, you may need to set PACKAGE_DIRS="../Packages" in your Environment Variables in your operating system settings.

  5. Launch the OHIF Viewer / Lesion Tracker Study List by visiting http://localhost:3000/ in a web browser.

    If everything is working correctly, you should see the Study List from your archive when you visit the Study List.

  6. Double-click on a Study in the Study List to launch it in the Viewer

    If everything is working correctly, you should see your study load into the Viewer.


  • If you receive a "No Studies Found" message and do not see your studies, try changing the Study Date filters to a wider range.
  • If you see any errors in your server console, check the Troubleshooting page for more in depth advice.