The OHIF Viewer can be configured to work with authorization servers that support one or more of the OpenID-Connect authorization flows. The Viewer finds it's OpenID-Connect settings on the oidc configuration key. You can set these values in your configuration files. For instance you can take a look at our
configuration file.
oidc: [
// Authorization Server URL
authority: '',
redirect_uri: '/callback',
response_type: 'id_token token',
'email profile openid', // email profile openid
post_logout_redirect_uri: '/logout-redirect.html',
revoke_uri: '',
automaticSilentRenew: true,
revokeAccessTokenOnSignout: true,
You need to provide the following information:
- authority: The URL of the authorization server.
- client_id: The client id of your application (provided by the authorization server).
- redirect_uri: The callback URL of your application.
- response_type: The response type of the authorization flow (e.g. id_token token, learn more about different flows).
- scope: The scopes that your application needs to access
- post_logout_redirect_uri: The URL that the user will be redirected to after logout.
- revoke_uri: The URL that the user will be redirected to after logout.
- automaticSilentRenew: If true, the user will be automatically logged in after the token expires.
- revokeAccessTokenOnSignout: If true, the access token will be revoked on logout.
How it works
The Viewer uses the userAuthenticationService
to set the OpenID-Connect settings. The userAuthenticationService
is a singleton service that is responsible for authentication and authorization. It is initialized by the app and you can grab it
from the servicesManager
const userAuthenticationService =;
Then the userAuthenticationService will inject the token as Authorization header in the requests that are sent to the server (both metadata and pixelData).
Token based authentication
Sometimes (although not recommended), some servers like to send the token in the query string. In this case, the viewer will automatically grab the token from the query string and add it to the userAuthenticationService and remove it from the query string (to prevent it from being logged in the console in future requests).
and example would be