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Version: 2.0-deprecated


We all need a little help sometimes. Don't let a few roadblocks stand in the way of you building something awesome.

Community Support

If you're a developer looking to contribute code, documentation, or discussion; we are more than happy to help provide clarification and answer questions via GitHub issues or our community forum. Regular contributors may also be invited to join our Slack Group to streamline discussion.

For bug reports and feature requests (including incomplete or confusing documentation), GitHub issues continue to be your best avenue of communication.

Complex issues specific to your organization/situation are still okay to post, but they're less likely to receive a response. Unfortunately, we have limited resources and must be judicious with how we allocate them. If you find yourself in this situation and in need of assistance, it may be in your best interest to persue paid support.

Commercial Support

The Open Health Imaging Foundation does not offer commercial support, however, some community members do offer consulting services. You can search our Community Forum for more information.